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Project Overview
A group development of a full stack application for Hack the North 2021. Inspired by the COVID-19 lockdown, RPLSS allows user to play rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock in an online but face-to-face environment where they may interact with gestures - maintaining the game's integrity.

RPLSS leverages deep-learning to authenticate users with facial recognition and then recognize their desired play by the shape of their hand. The game is played against a Markov-based computer AI.

Tech Implemented
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • React
  • Context API
  • Python
  • Flask
  • OpenCV
  • TensorFlow
  • WebSockets
  • CockroachDB
  • Multithreading


Project Overview
An individual effort of creating a byte-code virtual machine that simulates the inner-workings of a real computer. The includes the ability to write, parse and compile custom assembly code along with walking through its execution.

Harmonic was designed to help me better understand the lower levels of computer architecture and I hope that it can help others soon too. My next step is adding in high-level language support.

Tech Implemented
  • TypeScript (ES6)
  • React
  • Redux
  • Mocha / Chai Tests
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • ChakraUI
  • Monaco / Monarch
  • Prism


Project Overview
A paired development of a full stack desktop application utilising a MERN stack. Pushed by the movement to online, Illumi was designed to help simplify online-learning and course delivery through digital means.

The app supports course integration into servers that students enroll in. Within servers, students are able to interact with classmates through room-based messaging and real-time whiteboarding. Native window and notification support was also achieved using Electron.

Tech Implemented
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • Electron
  • React
  • Redux
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js / Express
  • WebSockets
  • JSON Web Token (Auth)
  • Azure


Project Overview
An individual development of an algorithm visualizer app to demonstrate select sorting, pathfinding and maze generation algorithms in action.

AlgoVis implements recursive divison to generates mazes along with the following pathfinding algorithms: Astar, Djikstra, Greedy, Swarm, BFS, Bidirectional BFS and DFS. The supported sorting algorithms are: Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Quick, Heap and Merge Sort.

Tech Implemented
  • TypeScript (ES6)
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS


Project Overview
A group development of a Java FX - based application consuming webscraped Yahoo Finance data. Stockpreme aims to bridge together all a user's financial operations, such as investing and banking, into a single application

The application's interface allows users to search for and invest in stocks, along with standard ATM operations such as deposits an withdrawals. All account information is persisted with a file-based database solution and user-authentication.

Tech Implemented
  • Java FX
  • WebScraping


Project Overview
A paired production of a full stack mobile app utilising a MERN stack to allow users to share notes. Ecri is being developped with two-factor user authentication, CRUD operations and implements a Node backend with React Native frontend.

Users are able to create, tag and collaborate on notes in real-time. Ecri also supports individual editing offline, with changes being persisted and pushed when reconnected to a network. The app is still in the middle stages of development but is coming along nicely.

Tech Implemented
  • TypeScript (ES6)
  • React Native
  • Axios
  • MongoDB
  • SQLite
  • Node.js / Express
  • WebSockets
  • JSON Web Token (Auth)
  • Nodemailer

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